With advanced technology and high safety, Planika is currently one of the world's top fireplace manufacturers. They offer two approaches to achieve the same natural fire. If you choose gas or ethanol fireplace, they already have it for you. Each of our solutions is based on automatic features, unique designs and the most natural golden flames. Their mission is to provide innovative and revolutionary technologies necessary to ensure great comfort of use and maximum safety.
Planika’s alcoholic fireplaces for interiors, are equipped with advanced microprocessors and alcohol steam fuels (indirect contact of fire and alcohol) and automatic pumps for filling the tank and remote control; open-air alcoholic fire places also have ceramic fibers that prevent alcohol leakage when the fire place is overturned, these features guarantee the safety of these products and make Planika a prominent brand and distinguished from other brands, active in this industry. Since the beginning of 2017, Planika has also introduced advanced indoor and outdoor gas fireplaces.
Address: #191, Hafez St, Tehran,.
Phone: (+98) 2161098
Mobile: (+98) 9123886632
Email: info@planikafires.ir
Website: Planikafires.ir
Instagram: Planikafires.ir
Telegram: Planikafires.ir